Machinists form a unique breed in the realm of human beings and the trades that they pursue. Machinists are generally detail oriented folks that have to pay careful attention everyday in their workplaces to close tolerances, dimensions, geometric shapes and such. This makes getting gifts for machinists a challenge in itself. Not that buying gifts for the machinists in your life an impossibility, but one has to be very choosy when picking out gifts for machinists. While the peculiarities of the machining trade makes buying gifts for machinists a challenge, one needs to remember that machinists are human beings too with emotions, feelings and a need to be felt wanted and loved by their near and dear ones. So if you have a dad or husband or boyfriend or boss or simply a friend that is a machinist, it is hoped that this article will make buying gifts for the machinist in your circle of acquaintances somewhat easier.
When buying gifts for machinists, you need to consider if you are buying with the aim of making their jobs a little easier or something that you want to buy them so they keep their minds off of work. In the former case, gifts for machinists could include for example buying a copy of the handbook for machinists available in major book stores everywhere. Or you could buy them the gift of a workplace swivel light, a set of machinists wrenches and tools available at stores such as Sears. A great gift idea for machinists is a set of dial gages and micrometer and caliper set. An idea that a friend of mine gave me regards to gift ideas for machinists was a subscription to the machine shop magazine.
In the case of the latter, when you are considering buying gifts for machinists to keep their minds away from work, you could get fancy T-shirts with funny sayings and pictures; or how about a personalized hat or coffee cup or a personalized set of can koozies or beer koozies. You could always treat them to a fancy get away vacation if your budget permits or get them an ipod touch which is the latest in the ipod craze at the time of this writing. Since machinists are detail oriented people, you could buy them a set of novels that are as far away from reality as possible so their minds are taken away from their daily grind; such novels obviously available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble and other bookstores.
In all cases, get your machinist acquaintance a gift and he or she is sure to be thankful for your thoughts.
Gifts for machinists
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