Diwali Gifts

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Diwali is celebrated by Indians as the Festival of Lights. Also called Deepavali or Divali, it is similar in character to Christmas celebrations. People wake up early in the morning and anoint their bodies with sesame oil and wash off using soap nut powder, wear new clothes and use fire-crackers. Plenty of tasty foods are consumed including lots of sweets. Diwali gifts are then exchanged. Diwali gifts generally involve fancy shirts, dresses, suits and the like. In the modern day gift cards to clothing stores is common. Diwali Gift boxes with fancy sweets is very common. Such gift boxes usually include sweets such as pedas, burfies, chum-chums, son-papris, etc. Fancy candles and exotic lamps also form great Diwali gift ideas, since Diwali is after all a festival of lights. Diwali release of movies is quite common in India and hence gift certificates to movie theaters is catching on as a gift idea for Diwali, so people can enjoy the latest Bollywood hits!

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